(See also: 'The Great Remembrance Charade')
People other than me must have noticed the obvious flaw in the 'remembrance' propaganda that's dished out to us 'gormless' unthinking plebs every November... surely they must, like me, have noticed the Emperor has no clothes? Even a 5-year old would see it. Yet I've never heard nor seen it mentioned or even hinted at anywhere... not even on the internet. But then I haven't searched very hard, nor have I read the works of Wilfred Owen and Co, where doubtless it is voiced with resounding clarity, but has been censored or at least kept off the media in all its forms for more than a century now.
All we ALWAYS get told is that men sacrificed their lives for their country, and those lives are represented by poppies - which this year some jerk of an artist has made porcelain versions of and created a massive and hugely popular display. Well, fine, I guess it looks all very impressive.
But those poor sods the poppies are supposed to represent didn't sacrifice their lives at all. They were murdered - and not by the enemy, but by their government - swindled by subversive propaganda into entering a futile bloodbath, and commanded to do so at the point of a gun, virtually, by a mob of political criminals who knew precisely the risks but whose arrogance and conceit were more important to them, never mind the legacy.
Think about it: if that swindle had not happened, what would have changed? Would Hitler still have risen to power?
I'm no historian - no-one knows less about history than me - but dipping recently into various historical docs, like Fallada's 'Alone in Berlin' and Isherwood's 'Goodbye to Berlin' I get the strong impression that the rise of Nazism was partly in response to a universal and growing hatred of Jews. And the reason for that hatred is age-old: the Jews are the money-lenders, they run most businesses, and do so with boundless energy and diligence. With regard to making profit, they are relentless, ruthless even, and are usually provocatively ostentatious with their wealth.
According to those authors in their portrayals of the time, nearly everyone lived on or below the breadline and had become victims of this Jewish avarice - which they relied on and resented in equal measure. If the angst generated from this had not existed in Germany at that delicate period after WW1 then maybe there would have been no support for the Nazis at their inception. So maniacs like Göring and Hitler, etc., would never have got a look in... who knows? But if UK politicians had acted responsibly and avoided WW1, then a more stable German economy may have prevented the conditions that led to the Nazi uprising and WW2?
As for the poppy issue... instead of remembering those pointlessly slaughtered conscripts, victims of lies, sent to their inevitable death by order of a mob of mindless MPs... instead of remembering them, surely it is those corrupt and insane politicians, who didn't give a fuck for the fate of those men, who should be remembered for their crimes - as Germans remember of their 'leaders' of the time.
I mean, if anything should be remembered, then let's remember above all the TREACHERY of UK GOVERNMENT MINISTERS who were behind those deaths the poppies represent. Remember the murderers, not the murdered, so no-one falls victim to such treachery again.
... except there's always enough pricks who volunteer for corrupt Establishment ventures, otherwise they'd never have been able to invade Afghanistan or Iraq etc., massacre millions and make an ex prime-minister (and a few others too, no doubt) a multimillionaire...
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See: Ten LIES used to justify WW1
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In a poignant article by historian and commentator William Blum, his reply to the question: Do you think the United States has ever done anything good in the world? How about World War Two? Would you have fought in that war? was:
'If I had been old enough, and knowing what I know now, I would have been glad to fight against fascism, but I would not have been enthused about fighting for the United States, or for the United States government to be more exact. Our leaders bore a great responsibility for the outbreak of the world war by abandoning the Spanish republic in the civil war. Hitler, Mussolini and the Spanish fascists under Franco all combined to overthrow the republican government, while the United States, Great Britain, France and the rest of the world (except, arguably, the Soviet Union) stood by; worse than standing by, American corporations were aiding the fascist side. At the same time, the US and Britain refused the entreaties of the Soviet Union to enter into some sort of mutual defense pact. The Russians knew that Hitler would eventually invade them, but that was fine with the Western powers. Hitler derived an important lesson from all this. He saw that for the West, the real enemy was not fascism, it was communism and socialism, so he proceeded accordingly. Hitler was in power for nine years before the United States went to war with him -- hardly a principled stand against fascism -- and then it was because Germany declared war on the United States, not the other way around.'
So it looks like the UK and US are doubly culpable with regard to WW2 - as at least one of them have been since for many wars and invasions. The age old grip of a ruthless and incompetent ruling elite remains as secure today as when the British Empire was at its height, scarcely to consider since before time immemorial. But as I say, I'm no historian.
Finally, a couple of weeks after writing the above I find at the end of yet another outstanding article by John Pilger 'War by Media and the Triumph of Propaganda' (5th December 2014):
It's 100 years since the First World War. Reporters then were rewarded and knighted for their silence and collusion. At the height of the slaughter, British prime minister David Lloyd George confided in C.P. Scott, editor of the Manchester Guardian: "If people really knew [the truth] the war would be stopped tomorrow, but of course they don't know and can't know."
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see also Political note (5.1.20) and Mossad & 9/11