I was intending to avoid politics for a while, it's just so crap at the moment and getting rapidly worse. It's as if the most heinous pricks are running everything these days - talk to the super-rich, especially the ones you've never heard of, and you'll find their views are almost as diabolic as their political flunkeys.
The nearest parallel that comes to mind is the Daleks: 'a fictional extraterrestrial race of mutants... drawing inspiration from the Nazis, Daleks are violent, merciless and pitiless cyborg aliens, who demand total conformity to their will and who are bent on the conquest of the universe and the extermination of what they see as inferior races' (from wikipedia) - In the case of our unelected rulers replace 'extermination' with 'exploitation'.
That's the kind of maniacs we're landed with: it's not just a jungle out there, but a jungle of bedlam, a jungle ruled by the insane.
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This added mid Feb
Boris Johnson's 'Andy Coulson' (Downing Street's 'Murdoch' plant) - ie Dominic Cummings - on board with Fascists both in the UK and the US - lined up with Farage, Murdoch, Trump and Netanyahu (Israel PM)... so with Cummings acting stooge, the UK is effectively being run from the US, as doubtless is Canberra by Australia's 'Cummings', whoever that is.
Boris, it seems, has been directed to assemble a coterie of exclusively obsequious infants (ministers) to attend his school room (cabinet office) so he can entertain them and get them to chant back in unison his - that is, Cummings's - policies.
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back to January
The US - Trump - bumps-off an Iranian big-shot and declares that he's not escalating instability in the region. Can it really be to divert media attention from the impeachment issue - by the timing, perhaps? But according to most independent commentators the US has been itching to annihilate Iran for more than a decade, probably ever since the Shah was deposed in 1979... not that the US is especially bothered about Iran these days, but regarding the middle-east, at least, Israel has been dictating Washington's policies since the 1960s.
So what's actually behind this recent attack?
This is my take: and see how contented the US sec-of-State Pompeo looked as he pronounced that the slightest retaliation by Iran would mean the US attack on 52 targets already selected. (Iran should have been ready for something like this and reacted instantly... pre-empting any counter-threats).
Most striking, though, is the similarities between Israel/US and Iran/Palestine/Lebanon (etc): they BOTH do the precise opposite of what they declare. Israel/US says it has no wish to create hostility, when creating as much devastation and murder as they think they can get away with (esp against Palestinian kids who throw stones at their oppressors), while their opponents cry-out over and again 'death-to-America' yet actually do nothing (probably because there's not a lot they can do).
Where these two opposing forces differ is Israel/US being socially advanced but with an aggressive foreign policy, while Iran/Iraq is socially primitive with a comparatively benign foreign policy.
Israel also has experience at False Flag tactics, and Pompeo - holding such notions in mind - will doubtless (with the rest of the White-House) have planned out a clear strategy before the assassination. It's my guess that they expect/hope some hot-head Iranian to independently attack (ie, something more substantial than mere pot-shots) a US asset so creating a pretext for the US to launch an all-out attack on those aforementioned targets. Otherwise, Mossad will surely oblige with the so-called False Flag.
We are led to believe from the usual 'establishment' media that politicians on all sides think like simpletons and even criticise Trump for failing to predict the scale of anti-American reaction from the public in Iran and Iraq. Unless they're concealing their true understanding of the situation, which may well be the case (they're habitually so stupid and short-sighted, one wonders what the hell any of them do understand?), they seem only to see the obvious surface of what's happening, as if they can't or don't want to look further than their noses.
And Israel's reputation for deranged ingenuity together with gratuitous brutality, has frequently demonstrated that they care nothing for individual Jews even (whether or not they support the regime) because it's they who end-up suffering most from the antisemitism Israel's crimes provoke.
I should say that some of my heroes are (or were) Jews: the late Carl Sagan, for instance, and Harold Pinter, the recently deceased Jonathan Miller, then Stephen Fry and Alexei Sayle... not forgetting the amazing 'Family Guy' team... the list goes on and on...etc., etc.
But the Jewish establishment is another issue. Michael Rosen, Alexei Sayle and others have supported Jeremy Corbyn when under attack from the Jewish establishment - which includes most media.
I think of 1930s Germany when the Nazis received huge popular support, while a significant minority of Germans looked-on horrified. So it's not Germans who should be condemned for WW2, but Nazis. Likewise with Israel... it's not Jews but supporters of Israeli Fascism that are the problem, which is mostly Jews, but includes once powerful maniacs like Blair and his billionaire Fascist supporter Murdoch... neither are Jewish, yet they support Israel - as exclusively do their countries: the UK and US - unlike the entire rest of the world, except maybe Australia (Murdoch's original base).
Ever since it was formed, Israel has been bad news, and probably (at least since South African apartheid ended) the biggest menace on the planet after the US and climate change. The US destroyed Guatemala in the 1950s, Vietnam in the 1960s, then more countries in Central and South America (where efforts continue to this day), then Iraq, Libya and now... Iran?... a pretty appalling legacy to say the least. Hence the feral jungle, as it seems to me. I just feel bloody lucky to be living away from the action.
The only solution is: stop being so open and honest, and instead learn from the oppressors, try their tactics for a change. Don't call for the dissolution of Israel - such an aim would be better unvoiced - it should be undertaken by stealth with not the remotest hint of a warning. I'm thinking now of those gruesome multi-jawed aliens in the film 'Alien' - you wouldn't warn that murderous fiend, would you? Likewise Israel, which isn't a person, so no-one needs to be harmed even; but until Israel ceases to exist as a separate entity, there'll be no peace in the region, nor probably anywhere nearby.
I've always wondered too why a diaspora such as the Jews have, has its own country - separate from the country they're born in or live in. We all know the history, very roughly at least. But why, on that basis, shouldn't any of us also have some location kept exclusively, say, for in my case 'white lower-class English people' or for former 'Vikings' (whatever your ancestors were) - a region in Norway, maybe, or France... wherever those ancestors happened to live 2000-years ago? (If there was such a place for me I'd keep well away from it, sure as hell).
But Jews have acquired over millennia a reputation for an exaggerated sense of entitlement, yet at the same time have seemed to be oblivious of any concept that non-Jews - gentiles - are equally entitled. These days, at least, when this arbitrarily self-adopted sense of entitlement is challenged, they accuse the challenger of antisemitism.
Having met very few Jews, I can only go by what others have said or written on the subject, plus what's currently in the 'air', so to speak, or on the 'air-waves'. From my own experience there's no shortage of gentiles with that same sense of entitlement, though by far most don't have it. But Jews, famously, have always disproportionately acquired great wealth and manoeuvred themselves into positions of power and authority. We're all familiar with the acquisitive expression on the face of the stereotypical Jew.
It used to be Freemasons who most held this kind of a grip on powerful positions in society, and in Italy the Mafia fostered the same kind of superiority-complex in their clan.
What's most astonishing, though - and indicates the insidious nature of the problem, as doubtless contrived by the Jewish establishment - is how everyone currently is so petrified of confronting this monstrous con... the most palpable and treacherous 'elephant-in-the-room' ever, that no-one dares to challenge as they have the Freemasons and Mafia.
It's as if Israel and their supporters are blackmailing everyone who opposes them, or who sympathises with their enemies, with threats of accusations of antisemitism - implying they're Nazis and approve of Hitler's persecution of the Jews (among others). This is how they disposed of Corbyn - who all his life took the side of the underdog, appropriate here the Palestinians in their perennial struggle under the Israeli iron-heel.
It's about time Jews who back Israel and anyone else who supports them were called-out for the charlatans they are. There is a significant minority of Jews who condemn Israel, as there were Germans in the 1930s who condemned the Nazis. Why don't more of them they speak-out.... are they under greater threat, maybe from Mossad, than anyone else? I guess so... there's no other explanation I can think of.
But now we'll see how Israeli Fascists are going to do to Iran what they did to Iraq via their Washington toadies who, as I say, are just itching to fire those guns and drop those bombs and engage whatever else of their vast military arsenal.
I think of Jack in 'Lord of the Flies' - but this time there's no 'civilised' adult to stop the slaughter, alas. Will the EU attempt to intervene, I wonder?
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