The Ukraine issue is important even if the war blows over in the next few days or weeks, because it demonstrates perfectly the precise machinations that led to Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria...... etc.
The process being played out by the US is just as before, together with the all-too-familiar reverse logic and self-evident lies. The situation, though, is of enormous significance with regard to possible consequences.
The US accuses Russia of a 20thC Soviet-style invasion, whereas the actual invaders are the US: last week on TV Obama openly confessed, amazingly, the US role in toppling the previous elected leaders in Ukraine and replacing them with US-compliant 'puppets' (my noun).
I imagine it's unlikely while Obama remains president, but what if the US overrides the EU and sends $billions of arms to their puppets?
Answer: Russia will respond in kind.
Outcome: millions of civilians will be killed and the whole of an obliterated Ukraine will once again become part of Russia.
OR there'll be a monumental military conflict between the US and Russia that will involve the splitting of Europe into countries that side with the US and those that side with Russia. This would drag everyone in, which is precisely the intention of US BIG Corp. Think of Hitler, Pol Pot, Kissinger.... that's the kind of monsters who control the US military economy and are itching for some kind of colossal war. No-one ever wins these genocidal conflicts EXCEPT Big Corp. Everyone else loses - most of all indigenous civilians.
Right now, the EU (Germany & France) rejects unequivocally the arming of the Ukraine puppets. By some amazing and unlikely positive quirk the UK supports this, and shares (for the moment at least) this insight that normally eludes politicians. How long, though, before the US brings their wayward UK poodle to heel?
Clearly, any alternative is preferable to arming - and the inevitable bloodbath that would result. What the US is up to is so blatantly obvious that no one can be blind to it, or fail to acknowledge the madness and the horror that would unfold if they got their way... exactly as in Iraq.
If the EU prevails this time, the puppets will remain in place ready for when Obama is succeeded by some insane republican shithead like Bush II. Even so, already one hugely positive step is that Cyprus has offered territory for a Russian base. The US is a predator of lethal proportion (who doesn't know it?), and for Russia to have a security foothold in Europe as well as there being some destabilisation or break-up of NATO as the countries of Europe shuffle into position, is probably our only hope of avoiding WW3. Either way, everything possible should be done to thwart US (Big Corp) greed/aggression.
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MOSSAD & 9/11
This is not altogether a separate issue. Notice the ever-relentless UK media propaganda, for instance - a media almost exclusively sympathetic to Israel. And then yesterday some non-entity vicar announces that he knows "Israel was behind 9/11". So what's new? Many people know this.... for one thing it's common knowledge that loads of rich Israelis made vast profits on the stock market because they had foreknowledge of 9/11.
ie, (see)... plus this youtube (published on 2 Jul 2013):
"Former CIA asset Susan Lindauer speaks about her whistleblowing attempt concerning the 9-11 attacks, where she reveals the US Govt ignored her serious reports that the Twin Towers attacks were imminent, and that the US Govt had allowed the 9-11 attacks to happen and had already planned the pretext to war with Iraq."
And quoting from p268 of George Packer's 'Assassins' Gate':
"The Jews - who had been warned to stay away from the World Trade Center on September 11th, so that not one Jew died - 'want Iraqis to die'."
The topical question, though, is: how does the religious establishment link that vicar's statement with antisemitism? I mean, if someone accuses the UK govt or MI6 of some diabolic act, then why should I feel implicated just because I'm a UK citizen? I shouldn't, of course. The idea is ludicrous. So why should Jews feel implicated if someone accuses Israel of instigating 9/11?
Everyone knows that many brilliant and decent people have been or are Jews: Einstein, Harold Pinter, Jonathan Miller, Howard Zinn, Noam Chomsky... the list goes on. ALL would be appalled by the brutality and crimes of the Israeli govt, and Zionism. So where's the antisemitism? The term is a shield behind which Jewish murderers & criminals crawl, and by doing so diminish and discredit it.
....which isn't to defend the self-serving elitism associated with tribal or otherwise exclusive set-ups that Freemasons, Jews or the Indian cast system etc., etc., have long established - with their antiquated, often barbaric and absurd, rituals and indoctrination...
see also: Poppycock and Political note (5.1.20)
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