The term UPSIDE DOWN, nicked from satirist Eduardo Galeano (it's the title for one of his books), is becoming increasingly apt these days. In fact, the expression is so universally applicable now that I'm surprised not to see it popping-up in every non-establishment publication or posting that touches on politics, culture, the arts ... or anything that significantly affects the lives of ordinary people almost anywhere on the planet:
See how anti-war protester David Lawley-Wakelin is being treated after interrupting Blair as he was giving evidence at the Leveson Inquiry, shouting: "Excuse me, this man should be arrested for war crimes.". Levesen apologised to Blair while Wakelin was escorted away by police - he's in the dock tomorrow (Friday 16th Nov) charged with threatening behaviour.
See details at Stopwar
Then there's those VAST sums of money billionaire creditors have swindled from us in recent years.... I'm talking about the money now being extorted from tax-payers all across Europe and the US as governments attempt to pay these creditor-thieves off after bailing them out too for their 'bad' gambling/investments in banks - money that was never destroyed, but merely passed between gamblers (ie, other investors/creditors) . And, yet other BIG outfits - with friends in government that maintain tax-law loopholes - pay little or no tax anyway.... so it's the same 'City' investors/creditors who gain from this. In other words, the entire system of Government (or more precisely, Corporate Elite), with their City/Wall-St colleagues and stooges, political and otherwise, are out to bring down by several pegs the living standards in the whole Western slave-market.
To the elite, presumably, it's some kind of Game, an exercise in power. Perhaps they see it as a last-chance to re-assert themselves, to re-affirm and consolidate their position, and to stave-off us masses, to delay the inevitable repercussions of universal self-education that will crash down on their diabolic schemes?
There's no doubt their position is at risk - like the Czars in the early 20th C. The scale and power of mass-protest is threatening their grip, which nevertheless remains solid. Why else the huge universal propaganda exercise and unyielding enforcement of austerity? Why else the political hubris in Iraq and Afghanistan, and recent interference in Libya, Syria and Iran?
The CIA, with its army of agents, are everywhere, now reputedly even attempting to undermine Rafael Correa (President of Ecuador) after he offered asylum to Julian Assange, whose 'crimes' are to inform us public of the depraved activities and swindles our 'elected' and appointed elites (and their flunkies) are engaged in.
All this is merely to brush the surface of what's truly going on. Imagine a board-game like Monopoly but which includes wars and taking-over the world.... I'm sure there's one out there like that. But the maniacs at the top of this fiasco that's responsible for so much poverty, misery, horror and death around the world resemble the French/Russian aristocracy prior to revolution, because they too seem to regard themselves as a breed apart, like some kind of supra-human race, and the rest of us a sub-species to be exploited and trodden down. That's how they behave, at any rate. No longer are these barbaric tyrants tied to any particular country or culture. Their GAME is their culture. It's them against the world they aim to possess.
The most damning aspect of all this is that most of us have been duped, bribed or threatened into playing on their side, assisting their schemes. Even when this dawns on us, we can only strike and protest.... unless, maybe, if you're an ordinary City worker, minor politician, corporate mid-manager, or one of the naive helpers and minions down the ladder who reluctantly or otherwise support these crucial individuals... because like a lowly plumber or electrician, those in mid- and low-ranking positions have the power to bring the entire structure to a halt.
The elites reside at the top only through support from a pyramid of obedient, conforming idiot-assistants whose status reduces as they approach the pyramid-base. For the first 4-decades of my life I resided at that base, never for an instant above it. When I recognised my situation I scarpered, and apart from a brief minor incursion have remained detached from the pyramid ever since.
We all know what happens if the base of a structure begins to crumble.... so the solution is to make adjustments higher up. That way, every part of the system that's crucial to civilised everyday living is maintained while a 'silent' revolution takes place above. The first move has to be to freeze assets and re-inform (or replace if they fail to co-operate) local managers of every essential supply and service industry: food, transport, health - with legal protection where necessary (that would be the pivotal and most difficult part).
The only alternative is to simply topple the billionaire creditor elites by first ceasing to fund them - that is refuse to repay debts. What can austerity-protests throughout Europe achieve in the short term? Even if protestors keep it up day after day, the elites are not going to buckle easily or by much, if at all. As ever, only the weak/poor will suffer. And if this happens, will Greece, for instance, go the same way as Germany in the 1920s? And if so what then... because even that was supported/promoted wholeheartedly by the corporate elite in both Europe and the US - and we all know what it led to?
Hopefully for us, self-education from the net, from people like Assange and independent reporting as on some of the sites on the links page of this site, can provide real opportunities for a 'silent' revolution that's so overdue....
But the initiative (and courage to use it) has to begin somewhere well up the pyramid.... and if that doesn't transpire then the situation looks bleak: like violent, because there's a limit that's being crossed which the elite of former times (except a complacent French/Russian aristocracy) were careful to avoid. Though what do the contemporary elite care about that? They're obviously not intellectuals, so are probably unaware of the history.
UPSIDE DOWN as ever: re-possessions of accommodation, as in the US, now harshly enforced across Europe (apart from some concessions in Spain), leaving the hapless poor homeless while properties are made empty.... Essential (health/social) services and products being cut while millions thrown out of work... the number of millionaires fast increasing and their assets growing too like never before - while the poor in their millions are forced to fund this, to cough-up increasingly extortionate rents, fuel-charges, food-prices, etc., and from reducing slave-wages too. I reckon that's all about as UPSIDE DOWN as you can get.
* * * * *
Relevant extracts from a Schnews item (15.11.12)
Protesters gatecrashed the Lord Mayor's Banquet on Monday(12th)…
…This was while… the new Lord Mayor, Alderman Roger Gifford
wined and dined the world's finest degenerates in the form of bankers,
politicians and business leaders…
This action was a starter course leading up to the European wide day of action and strikes that occurred Wednesday(14th) across Europe, including Spain, Portugal, Greece, Cyprus, Malta, Italy, France and the UK.
Sam Fairbairn from the coalition of resistance voiced the opinion of many in the 99% saying: "Two years of Tory-led government has made it clear - austerity isn't working. Across Europe policies of austerity are driving millions of people into poverty while it's business as usual for the people who caused the crisis. The governments tell us there is no alternative. They say that we are 'all in it together'. The Mayor hosts his annual banquet at which he will entertain bankers who caused the crisis and the politicians who are making ordinary people pay for it. While they are being wined and dined with expensive champagne and Michelin class food, millions of ordinary people struggle to feed
their families. The gap between rich and poor increases every day. We are not 'all in it together'".
The alternative feast had a few gatecrashers of its own in the form of some drunk bankers who in antithesis to the protesters shouted their support for their glorious European leaders, especially David Cameron and Boris Johnson.
Police arrested seven protesters (but no bankers) with breaching Section 14 of the Public Order Act and detained them overnight.